Tuesday, January 14, 2014

3 Types of Guys You’ll Fall in Love With

"You may have been too busy searching for Mr. Right that you failed to recognize that the right guy for you was just all along beside you."

I’m so glad that I finally got a time to finish another good book, and this time it’s the another highly commended and raved work by Rainbow Rowell –- Fangirl.

The book was particularly targeting young adults, but this got me teary-eyed at a happy ending. There was nothing too incredible or stunning or anything mind-blowing about the story. It was simple but very much relatable that it encompassed so much more than any grandiose ending could ever have.

There are too many things I want to talk about it -- the story itself, the characters, the lessons, the realizations. But there’s one thing I think every young girls (or probably young at heart) out there would be mainly interested on –- Love.

Cath, the protagonist of the story, is a girl who’s starting a new life in college. She’s a writer, a complete introvert, a socially awkward yet smart student. In the story, Cath met three different guys whom she had a special and different relationship with.

Get to know each one of them. Who knows, you might have actually also fallen in love with each kind (or could be all) of them.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Go-to Korean BB Cream

“Why do Korean gals always have flawless, radiant skin?”

I used to always ask the same question  -- “Why do Korean gals (especially those in Koreanovelas) always have that perfect, beautiful skin?”. Well I know for a fact that the cold weather helps, a lot. The food they eat also helps (they eat veggies, a lot). But of course, it has also something to do with the beauty products that they are using  -- which I found out when my colleague in Korea introduced (actually gave and I know I’m lucky) it to me few years back.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Why You Should Also Have This Sephora Makeup Haul

“Once in a while, invest in something that will make you happy, confident and beautiful”

Sephora Makeup Haul
Don't you just love them all! 

This quote holds true especially for all the ladies out there who are in quest and currently exploring the wonders of makeup-slash-cosmetics like me.

Last December, I received my Sephora Beauty Loot (no, there’s no Sephora yet here in the Philippines and how I badly wish there is), from my friend in Singapore. I’ve been so into makeup products lately and in a way astonished as to how it can transform a person. I’ve already shared my recent makeup investments and reviews such as the MAC Cosmo Lipstick and Revlon Eyelinerand Eyebrow Kit and now continuously moving up a higher notch with my Sephora Makeup Haul.

Let’s dig-in one by one into these beauty products and know the reasons why they should be part of your beauty arsenal.  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Missin’ Piece

“It seems I have everything… but why does it feels like there is something missin’?”

Have you ever asked yourself this same kind of question? Have you ever experienced a dilemma wherein although life seems to be too generous on you, still it doesn't seem to be good enough?

In the context of today’s worldly aspirations and desires, having a job that pays you beyond your needs, can afford to travel the world right there and there, partying like there’s no tomorrow,  running your own business, having good set of friends and vast network , well then,  you are considered to be living the  “good life”

And to be living the “good life”, being happy, fulfilled and grateful should always follow. But if this didn't happen, if things seem to be still "incomplete", then it is really about time for you to ponder on the reasons why. You brain (or probably your heart) might have laid out to you the reasons, but I hope they we’re able to tell you the most evident one -- that there is still part of you that’s missing.

Yes, there is a missin' piece(s) within you that you need to find, you need to decipher. And it could be one of the pieces below:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014: Livin' life to the Fullest


It’s new year. It’s time to start again. 
Stop thinking about what you’re going to do and start doing it. It’s time to live your life and be who you are. Forget about whatever happened in 2013 and just moved on. Take risks and be yourself, you only have one life and it’s time to make the most of it. 
Make a new year’s resolution and this time, achieve it no matter what the cost is.

New Year is all about a new beginning, a fresh start, a brand new life. 

2014 New Year

It’s all about letting go of the past and moving on to a better (as what everybody’s optimistically hoping for) future.

And while everyone’s been sharing their new year’s resolution, I just wanted to share key points that I have pondered on how to live your 2014 to the fullest.