Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014: Livin' life to the Fullest


It’s new year. It’s time to start again. 
Stop thinking about what you’re going to do and start doing it. It’s time to live your life and be who you are. Forget about whatever happened in 2013 and just moved on. Take risks and be yourself, you only have one life and it’s time to make the most of it. 
Make a new year’s resolution and this time, achieve it no matter what the cost is.

New Year is all about a new beginning, a fresh start, a brand new life. 

2014 New Year

It’s all about letting go of the past and moving on to a better (as what everybody’s optimistically hoping for) future.

And while everyone’s been sharing their new year’s resolution, I just wanted to share key points that I have pondered on how to live your 2014 to the fullest.

Try Out Something New

New Year wouldn’t be “new” at all without trying something different, without learning something new.

The best way to spend new year is by exploring and experimenting on something you never did before. It could be as simple as new hairdo (just like what I did), new hobby (painting, drawing, or sports related hobby), new course or path to take (you may want to take up class on baking, make-up, photography or anything you simply long been wanting to learn).

Trying out something new could also be about “renewing” or reinventing yourself. For instance, you might consider shedding off extra pounds you gained during the holiday and  be able to get that perfect bod that you’ve always dreamed on. If you find fitness centers/ gym impractical, a simple work-out at home or along your village with proper discipline will do. You might also consider changing your wardrobe, the way you dress yourself, the way you wear make-up.

Try to be bolder. To take chances. To take risks. Even if this may entail uncertainty, on not knowing what lies ahead, at least you DID try.

The best way to live life is knowing that you did take chances, no what ifs, no regrets.  

Do Travel

Quoting Dalai Lama, “Once a Year Go Someplace You’ve Never Been Before”.


The best thing about traveling is not only you get yourself into a new and different place but you also get to learn a lot of things about that place : culture, tradition, food, people.

Travelling gives you that once a lifetime experience that’s worth-cherishing.

You meet and befriend strangers. You gained friends you never thought you would. You hear other people’s stories. You get lessons. You get lost. You get compliments. You get to experience something new (like snow!).

with My Asian Peers (3 years back)

Above all, travelling allows you to create memories which money can never buy.  

Traveling doesn't have to be always with family, friend or my special someone, you can always do travel alone and explore the world.

Fulfill Your Dreams

Again, getting the inspiration from the gift that I got (which I previously posted last Christmas), new year is also about fulfilling your dreams which you never had a chance to take, to do.

Sometimes, we are misled with the idea that there is always “plenty” of time to do what we have always dreamed of, until you’ll realize that everything’s too late already, or worst, you’ll never have a chance to do so.

If you wanted to teach, then do so. If you wanted to become a writer, or a take a new career path, then do so. In a Pinoy slang “ipush natin yan”.

The best year, the best day to fulfill dreams is not tomorrow or some other day, the best time is NOW. 

Just think about what Mark Twain have said: 

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