Tuesday, January 14, 2014

3 Types of Guys You’ll Fall in Love With

"You may have been too busy searching for Mr. Right that you failed to recognize that the right guy for you was just all along beside you."

I’m so glad that I finally got a time to finish another good book, and this time it’s the another highly commended and raved work by Rainbow Rowell –- Fangirl.

The book was particularly targeting young adults, but this got me teary-eyed at a happy ending. There was nothing too incredible or stunning or anything mind-blowing about the story. It was simple but very much relatable that it encompassed so much more than any grandiose ending could ever have.

There are too many things I want to talk about it -- the story itself, the characters, the lessons, the realizations. But there’s one thing I think every young girls (or probably young at heart) out there would be mainly interested on –- Love.

Cath, the protagonist of the story, is a girl who’s starting a new life in college. She’s a writer, a complete introvert, a socially awkward yet smart student. In the story, Cath met three different guys whom she had a special and different relationship with.

Get to know each one of them. Who knows, you might have actually also fallen in love with each kind (or could be all) of them.


Abel was Cath’s first love, well sort of. There was no definite line whether they are into a “real” relationship. All they know is that they are “dating” -- in academic contests, proms, and other special occasions like Thanksgiving.

Initially, Cath thought that Abel was the perfect guy for her. Both of them are smart, academically competitive students and they are generally alike in almost all aspects, except for the college courses they’re taking.  Abel’s taking up engineering; Cath’s course is related to writing.

But then, Abel in a way have cheated on Cath and dated another girl (a smarter girl) because he realized (actually the other girl made him realized) that their “relationship” ain’t real at all or probably not mature enough. Thus their love story has to end.

In one way or another you may have fell in love with a guy similar to Abel:

  • A guy whom you have thought to be your soul mate mainly because both of you have a lot of things in common -- the way you think, the way you prioritize things, interests, hobbies, goals in life.  
  • A guy whom you have thought perfect for you because he seemed to be just simply you, like your exact male counterpart.
  • A guy whom you have thought to be your Mr. Right -- smart, achiever, gentleman, have goals and direction in life.
  • A guy you’ve grown up with – you’ve went to same school before University days, you’re living in the same city.

It’s a no brainer not to fall in love with a guy like Abel. Although the key factor here between Cath and Abel or probably you and the guy you’re in love with is the RIGHT TIME. Yes, the right time. In case of Cath and Abel, they were dating since their high school years to early college years -- too young, too immature, thus everything will fall out easily if the relationship wouldn’t be given enough time, enough nurture.

And just like Cath and Abel, there might have not been a clear definition of your relationship at all, thus to leave and to let go can be the best next option if things won’t be cleared out.


Nick was Cath’s classmate in College. He was handsome (as described on the book) and both of them have one common thing -- they both love writing.

Nick and Cath had been writing buddies. They meet at the library every Tuesday and sometimes Thursday nights to work on their writing assignments.  

Cath, I must say was slowly falling in love with Nick. Why won’t she? Nick was also a good writer. They both love writing and they can come up with a good writing piece together. Not to forget that Nick was also attractive.

However, unfortunately, Nick wasn’t in love with Cath. He was actually just exploiting Cath -- her talent, her skills, just so he can top the class and come up with best writing projects. Never did he even offered to bring home Cath after working together in the library (considering they finish writing late night) or even just to walk her somewhere near. He was plainly nice while working on writing projects with Cath -- no more, no less.

In one way or another you may have fell in love with a guy similar to Nick:
  • A guy who’s handsome and extra nice to you (but only every time he needs something from you – which you may consciously or deniably know).
  • A guy whom you share common interest with, be it writing, hobby, movie or anything. All along you thought that you were match-made-in-heaven because of this “common thing”, but in reality, that thing is just actually the ONLY thing that’s common between you and him.
  • You get along well with him; you find him cute and you’re starting to really like him (even though he hasn't done anything special at all).

All along you thought that you and this guy maybe perfect for each other even though you haven’t gotten to know each other so much.

You are in love with him, but he ISN’T.


Levi was the charming and uber-friendly ex-boyfriend of Cath’s surly roommate. Cath initially hated Levi so much because of what she perceived him to be -- a type of guy who only loves to party, who seem to date a lot of girls (who’s not like her), irresponsible, drink and smoke a lot -- but all of which are just mere perceptions.  He finds Levi (who was actually older than her) as her complete opposite thus she never had (initially) been interested on him.

Levi loves to mingle with people, but she doesn’t. Levi loves party, but she doesn’t. Levi is a likeable, charming person, but she isn’t.

But despite their differences, Levi had become Cath’s go-to guy. Levi was the one who was always there for her. Levi was there when she needs to go and check her twin sister Wren. Levi fetches her after her writing session with Nick from library even it was so late night already. Levi creates and gives her a special coffee drink. Levi makes her smile, happy and keeps her company.

Levi loves to tease Cath, a lot. Cath tried to be mean to Levi as much as possible, but she eventually got used to it.

And as time goes by, Cath discovered a lot of things about Levi. That Levi wasn’t the type of guy she initially thought him to-be. He was responsible. He was a gentleman. He was nice, well extra nice to her. And although he wasn’t into fiction writing, Levi can easily relate to and knows things about what Cath is interested to.  He was one smart guy who knows how to handle not just books, but also people, and deal with life.

He may not look like as it is, but, just like Cath, Levi is a first-class genius. Levi just like Cath values family. Levi, just like Cath values education.

Needless to say, Cath fell in love and ended up happily with Levi.

In one way or another you may have fell in love with a guy similar to Levi:

·   A guy whom you thought is totally different from you, but in reality, his character “complements” you.
·  A guy who had always been there for you, but you fail to notice so because you have been too busy searching for Mr. Right.
·   A guy who loves to tease you, yet cares about you, a lot.
·   A guy who knows how to respect you and deal with your quirkiness.
·   A guy who treats and makes you feel like a princess.
·   A guy who may not exactly be who you were dreaming of, but you know, or actually you feel for a fact that he is the one who completes you.
·   A guy who simply loves you for who you are.
·   A guy who supports you.
·   A guy who knows you a lot.
·   A guy who simply makes you happy, safe and loved.  

Cath ending up with Levi is simply a realization that you need not wait and force yourself to fall in love with who you think is Mr. Right or Mr. Perfect.

There will always be that one guy who might not have same personality as yours, but shares common values as you, shares common priorities as you. Each of you may be different and unique from one another, but that uniqueness actually completes and makes both of you whole. 

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