Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Missin’ Piece

“It seems I have everything… but why does it feels like there is something missin’?”

Have you ever asked yourself this same kind of question? Have you ever experienced a dilemma wherein although life seems to be too generous on you, still it doesn't seem to be good enough?

In the context of today’s worldly aspirations and desires, having a job that pays you beyond your needs, can afford to travel the world right there and there, partying like there’s no tomorrow,  running your own business, having good set of friends and vast network , well then,  you are considered to be living the  “good life”

And to be living the “good life”, being happy, fulfilled and grateful should always follow. But if this didn't happen, if things seem to be still "incomplete", then it is really about time for you to ponder on the reasons why. You brain (or probably your heart) might have laid out to you the reasons, but I hope they we’re able to tell you the most evident one -- that there is still part of you that’s missing.

Yes, there is a missin' piece(s) within you that you need to find, you need to decipher. And it could be one of the pieces below:

Finding your Real Passion

Lucky are those, who at an early age, knows already what they want in life. But for some, it takes several detours and mazes for them discover what their real passion is. Sometimes, life leads us to places which seem to be where we want to, but in reality, everything is just a mere deception.  Not finding your real passion removes a part of who you really are, of what you really want.   Just think about what you are doing right now, your occupation or your business. Are you doing those things because it is what “you want to” or because “you have to”?

Finding your Special Someone

Coming from the famous line of the movie Jerry Maguire “You Complete Me”, it is but very evident and true enough that for some, the missing piece in their life will be that special someone who can “complete” them.  You might be in a stage right now wherein you think you haven’t found yet that person who can complete you --but then look around you, who knows, he or she might have been already just near you or have been already “completing” part of you without you knowing it.   

Fulfilling your Dreams

Sometimes the mere essence why we are living, why we are striving, is because of our goals, of our dreams in life. Making a dream a reality is never easy. It takes hard work, dedication, passion and sometimes a stroke of luck for it to happen. When you are on your way in making your dreams come true but suddenly faced with roadblocks, never give up and just continue. Always remember that it is only dreams coming into a reality gives that complete fulfillment in a person.

Finding Time

If at the end of the day it still seems like you have already found all the missing pieces in your life, but still feels incomplete, then fret not because there’s still one thing you have to consider and it’s no other than time.  

Yes, time.

A time with your family, a time with your friends and special someone, a time to grow your spiritual aspiration, a time to fulfill your dreams, or simply a time for yourself.  


You might have failed to realize that you have been too engrossed with what you “have to do”, and not what you really “want to do”. You might have been too pre-occupied with work. You might have been too busy checking and stalking people on Facebook, Instagram and other social networking sites. You have forgotten the fact that once in a while you need a breather, you a need a space, a precious time for you to do what really matters most in your life.