Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Saint Padre Pio -- What He Did in My 2013

2013 had been an extra great year for me. 

2013 was beyond what I could have imagined to happen in my life and I am definitely, definitely grateful. I couldn't say it was smooth-sailing, although others might have perceived it to be so because of the triumphs and successes that I experienced (as defined by today's society). But then, what others might not know is that 2013 was actually a bitter-sweet year (although I must admit 89% was sweet). The beginning of 2013 was actually a mixture of self-doubt, frustrations, uneasiness, and small triumphs over successful launches; of love and hate; of arguments and peaceful talks. But in times of depression, of giving up as to where "my life" is leaning to, I gained strength and stronger faith in Jesus Christ and in my “new way” of devotion to Saint Padre Pio. 

A Candle of Hope and Faith

Monday, December 30, 2013

Make-Up Quest: Revlon Brow Fantasy and Color Stay Liquid Liner

On my previous post, I shared my experience with MAC Amplified Crème CosmoLipstick. This time around, my quest on the world of beauty and cosmetics continues with new products particularly focusing on the eyes. Again, I’m still into basics, so I decided to get two basic eye beauty products -- an eye liner and an eyebrow kit.

I didn't do any research this time and just went into a beauty/cosmetics department of a mall. And look at what I ended up with:

Revlon Brow Fantasy and Revlon Stay Liquid Liner

I spent almost 1,000 bucks for these two products which seems to be reasonably priced already and here’s why:

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My "Audrey Hepburn" Pouch

Holiday Season ain't over yet. And as I was checking on some unwrapped gifts that I got, I saw again this fab present from a friend  -- a Pink Pouch with a "Chinita" version of Audrey Hepburn. 

And as I am a fan of Audrey Hepburn's famous lines, I decided to share some of my personal faves:  

Friday, December 27, 2013

On Writing Goals and A Sneak Peek on 2014 Starbucks Planner

2014 is fast approaching.  And while most are still on a festive-mode, some have already started thinking about their new year’s resolutions, goals (either short and long term), and plans (either relating to love, career, travel or personal development) for next year. Needless to say, we usually set our goals and plans in two ways: plotting it in our minds or jotting it in a planner.  

And although by just simply “thinking” of goals is a practical way, making it tangible or visible to the eye has a bigger impact on its realization.

Speaking of writing goals, one of the biggest craze every Christmas Season here in the Philippines is the collection of Starbucks “stickers” with one main goal -- to get the Limited Edition Planner. And just like most of the Filipinos, I am very keen on how the planner looks like -- from the design cover to the inside sheets.  

Most of you might have your own 2014 Limited Edition Starbucks Planner by now. But for those who haven’t finished yet their quest on collecting stickers, let me give you a sneak peek.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

On Fulfilling Dreams This Season of Giving

One of the much anticipated events every year is Christmas.

For one thing, Christmas equates to celebration, festive, reunions and gatherings, parties, exchanging gifts and even Santa Claus and his reindeers.

Christmas is the season as they say to be jolly, to be merry; to spend quality time with people that matters most in your life -- family, friends, and special someone.

And amidst green, red and gold, Christmas as its real essence is the time to celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.  

Happy Birthday Jesus!
Photo c/o Jesus Daily

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Fault In Our Stars Movie, Out with Official Poster and Controversial Tagline

Seeing this movie poster, well the official movie poster of one of my favorite books made my day.

The Controversial Tagline "One Sick Love Story"
Yes, I am an avid fan of John Green, and his creations, and what I love the most in his genius creations is “The Fault in Our Stars”.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Korean 101: My Kind of #ThrowbackThursday

Today is another #ThrowbackThursday. And while looking for a possible #TBT picture to post, I suddenly saw this A4 paper which is about two to three years old already.

Numbers 1 to 10 plus 100 and 1,000 in English and Korean.
Yes, what you are seeing are numbers one to ten, one hundred and one thousand with a Korean translation below it (not written in Korean though).

Saturday, December 14, 2013

On Life Trade-Offs

If I am to look back on one of the significant lessons that I learned and appreciate the most in my college days that would be the one relating to the Principles of Economics by Mankiw, specifically the principle “People Face Trade-offs.”

Reason why? Simply because this lesson is not just a plain principle that can be applied in Economics, it’s also a lesson which we may apply in our own daily lives.

People Face Trade-offs was defined in Mankiw’s Principles of Economics as: 

“To get one thing, you have to give up something else. Making decisions requires trading off one goal against another”.
True enough, making decisions and choices in life requires us to trade-off one over the other.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

MAC Amplified Creme Cosmo Lipstick -- A First Safe Try.

Believe it or not, I rarely wear lipstick. I usually go for a lip balm or a lip gloss for everyday use.

But then, since I wanted to take my beauty-slash-makeup know-how up a higher notch, which actually started when a fairy makeup artist, in the name of Ten Franco wave her magic wand, sprinkle her fairy dust and eventually transformed me to a different person (as what they say), I decided to start off wandering on a beauty product that can easily transform a person by wearing nothing but that. Apparently, it is no other than a lipstick.   

Yes, a lipstick is considered a staple for every lady’s makeup arsenal, yet used to be not for me.

Since it’s going to be my first try, I have thought and researched carefully on what brand and what shade. It has to be a good brand, and a safe shade -- good enough for my 12-hour work, safe enough to maintain both a corporate and casual chic look.    

And I so ended up with MAC Amplified Creme Cosmo Lipstick.

MAC Lipstick

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

When it Rains, it Pours.

“When it rains, it pours” --  indeed this is one popular saying mostly associated  with  negative circumstances or situation.  When a problem arises one after another, when problems seem to overflow, we cannot help but utter this.

Pondering on why such had been the practice all over the globe,  it must be or it is simply because of the word “rain”. For something, rain is linked with calamity, worst destruction, if it continues to pour.  

Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Own Journey with Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life

It was more than a month since my boyfriend had me this book titled as “Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life” by Wendy Mass. He told me that this book is worth reading and worth a space in my shelf, so nevertheless, my reading adventure about Jeremy Fink’s life began. 

The design cover of the book is simple, yet straight forward. Pretty much describes what the story is all about: Four Keys. Two Friends. One Adventure.
Book Design Cover

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Beauty in Simplicity

And so, I came across an instagram post that quotes “There is beauty in simplicity”. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

I halted

I used to write. 

I used to express my feelings in a space where several letters exists to come up with words, several words to come up with a sentence and several sentence to eventually come up with a decent thought.

Yeah, I said I “used-to write”, but then, there’s something within me that whispers “used-to is not the proper term, it should be halted”.

Indeed, I halted.

I halted to give due focus on who, what and where my focus should be.

I halted because I thought that would help me uncluttered my thoughts and move along with the revolving earth.

Yet, I was wrong.

Part of me needs the space where my thoughts can be heard, where my feelings can be well expressed.

Part of me cannot move along without WRITING.

Thus, exist the sealedwithfaith.