Wednesday, December 25, 2013

On Fulfilling Dreams This Season of Giving

One of the much anticipated events every year is Christmas.

For one thing, Christmas equates to celebration, festive, reunions and gatherings, parties, exchanging gifts and even Santa Claus and his reindeers.

Christmas is the season as they say to be jolly, to be merry; to spend quality time with people that matters most in your life -- family, friends, and special someone.

And amidst green, red and gold, Christmas as its real essence is the time to celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.  

Happy Birthday Jesus!
Photo c/o Jesus Daily

This year, I must admit that the season of giving had been extra special for me. I have come to realize that it’s not just what I used know, what we used to know.

Christmas, through gift giving can also be a hand on fulfilling dreams.

Yes, on fulfilling dreams.

I guess I had been extra good this year that my Santa gave me a gift with a special dedication quoting Walt Disney:

“If you can dream it, you can do it”.

A Sweet Dedication on Fulfilling Dreams

Excited and nervous at the same time, I’ve been teary-eyed and speechless after opening and seeing my gift.  

Yes, it’s the “Make Me Classy” Sigma Brushes which I always have been dreaming to have, or should I say been dying to have.

Getting the inspiration from of one of Coco Chanel’s famous lines, I decided to explore the wonders of make-up, investing on make-up kits and other cosmetics with the dream of reviewing those beauty arsenals and sharing my quest; with the dream of “transforming” myself and eventually other girls; and above all with the dream of helping bringing out the best of beauty in every girl in every possible way. 

At the end of the day indeed, “every girl should be fabulous and classy”.

Sealing with faith, because I can dream, I know I can do it and so do you!

Seasons Greetings everyone! xoxo

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