Sunday, June 1, 2014

Three Significant Milestones that will Define Your Future

“You may or may not know it, but there are three significant milestones in a person’s life that will define his/her future”


I know it’s been a while since my last post due to hectic corporate life (where is work-life balance? Haha) but today, I wanna share an important lesson, a learning that was shared during my most recent overseas training for work.

Our instructor, who happened to have a very relevant contribution in the company where I work at, shares about the three significant milestones in a person’s life that will define his/ her future.  There may be a lot of factors that will define your future, but these three really make sense and are noteworthy enough and here are they:

1. Graduating from College, and the University Where You Will Graduate Matters.

The very first milestone that will define a person’s future is the day he/she graduated from college. But of course, as most of us really undergo this process, the significant factor that sets you apart from others and helps define your own future is “where” or in what University-slash-school you will finish your tertiary studies.