Friday, December 27, 2013

On Writing Goals and A Sneak Peek on 2014 Starbucks Planner

2014 is fast approaching.  And while most are still on a festive-mode, some have already started thinking about their new year’s resolutions, goals (either short and long term), and plans (either relating to love, career, travel or personal development) for next year. Needless to say, we usually set our goals and plans in two ways: plotting it in our minds or jotting it in a planner.  

And although by just simply “thinking” of goals is a practical way, making it tangible or visible to the eye has a bigger impact on its realization.

Speaking of writing goals, one of the biggest craze every Christmas Season here in the Philippines is the collection of Starbucks “stickers” with one main goal -- to get the Limited Edition Planner. And just like most of the Filipinos, I am very keen on how the planner looks like -- from the design cover to the inside sheets.  

Most of you might have your own 2014 Limited Edition Starbucks Planner by now. But for those who haven’t finished yet their quest on collecting stickers, let me give you a sneak peek.


The feel of the cover is pretty much same as last year’s. The main difference is coming from its design, which I must say did really improved comparing 2013’s. They have also come up with quite a good concept on how to make you cover become livelier in which I will share details later on. 

There are actually 4 color variations but I was able to get two of which -- Black and Yellow.

The planner also already comes with a detachable bookmark.

Yellow Starbucks Planner
Yellow Starbucks Planner


There’s the usual “This Belongs to”, but this time, they put the “2014” year.
2014 Starbucks Planner

The Monthly Overview
2014 Limited Edition Starbucks Planner

Per Day Layout

Looks better with uneven space allocation per date. Last year, it looks pretty much of a notebook because of the same space allocation per date.

Per Month “Cover” 

Pretty much same as last year’s, but this time, they focused more on stories about coffee.
2014 Limited Edition Starbucks Planner

2014 Public Holidays

Starbucks Planner


Discount Coupons and Cover Sticker

Inserted in the planner are the usual discount coupons plus cover stickersYes, cover stickers which you may actually stick on the cover of your planner to make it livelier. 

If you have noticed, the Starbucks planner cover was designed with embossed objects such as cups, house, sun, and more. As it is, it looks pretty much classy and simple already (which I actually prefer), but for those who wanted bring more life to their planner, you may simply “re-design” it using the stickers.  

2014 Limited Edition Starbucks Planner

I cannot wait to use (or should I say abuse) my planner.

And while some continues to plot their goals in their minds, I will continue scribbling mine. 

At the end of the day, there’s always a huge difference when you have a goal to look back and track than just a simple memory note that may anytime be forgotten.

And so, sealedwithfaith says:

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